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remembering the days

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June 11, 2010
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u now want grinds my gears?

the girls who complain that there FAT

and u look atthem and they can't be more than a size 2

and thats what grinds my gears

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October 26, 2008
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`LOL boy you got that right.
I figure if their clothes sizes are in the single digits, they need to just shut up and quit bragging.

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May 30, 2009
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`or even the ones that are a size 12.I honestly don't remember the day I wore a size 12 because like so many of my large sisters,I am big-boned!Yep I said it and you can't change it lol.Let me refer you back to the greek mythology concept of what our bodies should look like(diana).I am not a god so trying to get me to look like a perfect being is ridiculous and it is an impossible goal to set for ones self.I am large and would like to hope in charge but since Jesus saved me I know I'm not in charge of anything.It is his mercy that allows me to see,hear,speak,breathe,learn,chew,etc...Nothing else matters.

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September 16, 2010
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`I believe it's just them fishing for compliments, and that grinds my gears.

But what grinds my gears is if I make a statement - even if it's not out of sorrow for myself - for example one of my friends (most of them are skinny) say, "Oh if you want, you can borrow something of mine to wear!"

And looking at them and looking at me, we would all know that it's an absurd idea for me to wear anything in their closet unless it was what they consider a "sleeping" shirt.

But if I point this out, they click their tongues and roll their eyes and say, "You're NOT fat." And it drives me up the damn wall when they say things like that. I get that they don't want me to feel bad, but when they want to argue with me over my weight its stupid. Love them, but I really wish they wouldn't say that. In fact it actually makes me feel suckier because it's like they feel "sorry" for me and are trying to make me feel "better" when I wasn't feeling bad at all, I was stating a fact.

Oh and speaking of my skinny friends, most of the time, if they see a girl they don't like in town of somewhere, they say things like; "Who would like her she's ugly." "Yeah, and she's FAT!" When said girl they're talking about isn't slightly ugly most of the time, and the girls are always smaller than me that they accuse of being "fat". While the girls they do talk about are normally just as mean, but I made a point to say to them one time, "Well damn guys, if you think she's fat, I'd hate to hear what you would call me." And then they still want to argue and say, "But you're not fat!" And I do a mental head slap every time.

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`yea i think its funny as hell seeing a 98 lb woman saying im so fat it makes me sick at times tosee a woman say that even when they are big i dont see it as fat i see it as sexy to me anyways it has taken me years to get my wife to love her self for her and not what the world thinks she should look like i ahve been with 90 lb woman and 600 lb woman and to tell the truth the skinny woman are mostly vane and dont eat and think there the s--- cuess there like 90lbs its funny my wife heres all the time how did she get a guy like him being as fat as she is

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November 20, 2010
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`All I know, and can say with certainty, is that the last time I went fishing we threw the little ones back.

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November 20, 2010
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xbubblyx wrote:

Oh and speaking of my skinny friends, most of the time, if they see a girl they don't like in town of somewhere, they say things like; "Who would like her she's ugly." "Yeah, and she's FAT!" When said girl they're talking about isn't slightly ugly most of the time, and the girls are always smaller than me that they accuse of being "fat". While the girls they do talk about are normally just as mean, but I made a point to say to them one time, "Well damn guys, if you think she's fat, I'd hate to hear what you would call me." And then they still want to argue and say, "But you're not fat!" And I do a mental head slap every time.

I see a therapist a couple times a year just to clear my head and get out all the junk that piles up. (Mental health is just as important as physical health, people!) The last time I saw her, I mentioned a similar situation and how it really upset me. She asked how I responded and I told her I just ignored it. She cocked her head and said "Are you kidding me? They had the nerve to disrespect you without a second thought and you LET THEM?" She pointed out that it's reactions like this that further weightest thinking. The next time someone made a fat crack I spoke up and said "How could you say that? How do you think that makes me feel?" Of course the offending "friend" said "Oh, haha, I wasn't talking about YOU!" so I said "But you are in a way. If we weren't friends, you WOULD be saying those things about me. You don't know that girl. She is someone elses best friend. Do you want HER skinny friend talking about ME that way?" Shut her up right away.

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